Care At Home
Care Services
Care at home is a specialist service for people aged over 65. The service offers care and support to local people living in their own homes. The service operates from 10 Parsley House, Balkerne Gardens, Colchester and the team welcome visitors dropping in to discuss their need for a service.
The range of services provided includes those termed personal care (such as assistance with mobility, bathing/showering, dressing, continence care, getting into and out of bed, eating/drinking/medication supervision and administration) and ‘good neighbour’ services (such as shopping, food preparation, cleaning and organising the home, making/changing beds, washing and ironing, care of house plants, escorting to appointments including religious services or social activities, a daily contact service, ordering shopping, putting out the rubbish, collecting prescriptions).

At the core of this service are the customer, their relatives and friends. To understand the needs and preferences of each individual, we undertake an assessment, and from this, we write a care plan which the customer then signs to say that they agree with it. Our customer guides our service, and we aim to provide the best possible support and care.